Friday, November 19, 2010

Santa in November

Santa Clause came to the mall last week. And he's here to stay-- at least until Christmas.

Why oh why does it seem earlier and earlier each year?

Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, the season, and all of the fun things that go along with it. I just don't like getting burned out before Christmas gets here.

That being said, I did decide to "start" Christmas. If you didn't know this about me, I am addicted to lists. I will make lists of anything and everything. But, before list time, in my opinion, comes budget time. The thing is, if I don't come up with a budget and divvy it out nicely among all the people I would love to buy gifts for, I end up spending way too much-- like living on ramen and mac n cheese for the next two months too much. So, did the budget. Made the first list. And, what else to do this week but starting buying, right?
While I don't want to be involved in Christmas so early, I also don't want to be fighting the traffic and the crowds a month from now. So I decided it's worth it. Plus, it gives me time to remember things that maybe didn't make it on the list.

I think this week I got all the shopping done for the little kiddies (friends, nieces, nephews, etc). I think that's the most fun part anyway. And the easiest. Most kids like toys. Can't go too wrong there. Also, Target and Toys R Us were nice enough to throw out some pre-Black Friday deals, and I don't mind participating in those.

I also got my new Matthew Mead Holiday magazine this week. It's the most beautiful magazine I've seen. A little ambitious for me, but I can still enjoy looking at it. I refuse to start any kind of decorating though until AFTER Thanksgiving. I've got to have some boundaries (aside from the giant glass bowl on my table filled with cinnamon-scented pine cones and red wicker balls-- but that could technically be out any time of the year).

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