Thursday, July 29, 2010

3 Months and Counting

Remember when I decided to cut out cakes, candies, and cookies again? Well, it has officially been three months. Last year I went six months and I liked that it was a nice even half of the year. That felt like a good compromise.
Not sure if I'll make it six months this time. On the one hand, it should be simple, I did it last year and I still get half of the year, including the major candy holiday. On the other hand, I had some moments this month where I wanted to stop and felt like I really needed some chocolate (hello to you emotional eating).
And then there's the part of me that is like, "six months, are you kidding me? You should be off this stuff forever." To refresh your memory, in case you have forgotten, I am a sugar addict. The more I eat the more I want and I eventually spiral out of control eating sweets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, only throwing in some real food when I feel like I am on the verge of death. So that is why other people's advice and "plans" for me, like eating dessert only once a week just don't work. Once I get a taste, it's all downhill. I am still trying to accept a reality where I would not eat cakes, candies, or cookies ever. Maybe I can just say I'll wait until I'm 90 and by then I am sure I'll have so many issues going on that I won't care about more wrinkles and fat and diabetes.
I do know that I definitely will not be eating any cakes, candies, or cookies tonight but I don't know when I will give in again.

1 comment:

  1. 3 months! that's amazing! it's gotta be so hard with a family that is not committed to no sweets, and I think you're awesome. that's all.
